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Healthy Organic Food


Whenever I mention quinoa to my friends, they always give me this sultry look… like “qui what?” QUINOA I repeat with so much angst you could literally feel the lump build in my throat. So what is the point of this you ask? Well, I want to establish the fact that not everyone knows what quinoa is including celiac! YES, they have no idea of this miraculous plant-based protein which is gluten-free, organic and very healthy! – This is a rare gem for the celiac. Quinoa contains a lot of minerals and vitamins and doubles as a safe substitute to troublesome pastas, pastries and gluten in general.

Oh, and one more thing – Quinoa is not just gluten-free but also tastes like heaven! Here are some ways you could replace the gluten-based meals with the impeccable and ambrosial quinoa.

The Preparation

The first thing you want to do when you get a hold of quinoa is to wash /rinse the quinoa thoroughly. Yes I know the quinoa on the shelves of the supermarket is SUPER clean because the bitter coating has been removed BUT you can never be too sure can you? However, if the quinoa hasn’t been alleviated from its coating, you can easily remove it by putting the quinoa in a bowl followed by some warm water… allow to soak for some minutes before washing off the shafts. You can now go ahead and prepare the quinoa just as rice is prepared.

How Exactly Can I Substitute Rice and Pastas With Quinoa?

  • BreakfastIt is very possible to enjoy a relaxing breakfast that is totally gluten free. Quinoa is such a great breakfast option available in varieties; you could use some of the quinoa sprouts to make a delicious sandwich and cook some as oatmeal. Take for example the famous macaroni soup, ham and egg breakfast combo…. We know that macaronis contain gluten and although there are many restaurants on the streets of HK promising to serve you “gluten-free” meals some are still at the risk of cross-contamination! You can easily avoid all that using the quinoa macaroni – totally gluten free, you can prepare it from the comfort of your kitchen and never have to worry about cross-contamination! View our quinoa breakfast options here:
  • Snacks:Most of the time a celiac feels like there is nothing available for them when it comes to delicious and tasty looking tidbits… why? Because most of the snacks sold on the streets contain a ridiculous amount of gluten! From the wheat flour to the yeast… gluten gluten gluten! This could be really nerve wrecking and disappointing – to put it mildly. Quinoa makes a great substitute for these gluten-packed baking items, although it cannot effectively replace wheat because some baked items need yeast to rise! However, you can make some tasty cookies, pancakes and cakes using quinoa flour! There are so many items to choose from at our store, check them out:
  • Grains:Rice is a common item on every restaurant in HK, no doubt about that and although the internet keeps telling you that plain white rice is “gluten free” this isn’t really true! Most rice isn’t gluten free as they come in mixes, and could easily be cross-contaminated during processing. This poses a great challenge to a celiac – they become hesitant to incorporate grains into their diets! Well, you don’t have to fret anymore or read the labels of each grain product you buy over and over again thanks to quinoa! Quinoa is a great rice substitute and can be used to prepare curries and eat with salads. These quinoa grains are available in varieties at our store! You can go for the White Quinoa Grain